
Brazilian Sugar

During the colonial period, Sugarcane was introduced to the people of Brazil and it became a very important source of economy for Brazil as a country. It is one of the most important crops of the country. Brazil is the largest producer of Sugar in the world and also it comes first in the world to produce the largest amount of Sugarcane. In many countries example of versatile and renewable culture is Sugarcane including Brazil. With the adoption of modern technologies, the production of Sugar has increased in the country of Brazil.

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Variety of Sugar


Indian Sugar

Since ancient times Sugar has been cultivated in India. Sugarcane is an indigenous source of fruit of Southeast Asia and the tropical Indian Subcontinent. Sugarcane is usually planted three times in a year in India are March, July, and October depending on which state of the country it is being planted. Most of the production of sugar in India takes place in the Cooperative Sugar mills. India has made some serious plans for the overall development of the Sugar Industry after they gained their Independence. The grades of Sugar types are 7 in number which are L30, L31, M30, M31, S30, S31, and SS 31. These grades of Sugar are based on four Crystal sizes super small, small, medium, and large.


Brazilian Sugar

During the colonial period, Sugarcane was introduced to the people of Brazil and it became a very important source of economy for Brazil as a country. It is one of the most important crops of the country. Brazil is the largest producer of Sugar in the world and also it comes first in the world to produce the largest amount of Sugarcane. In many countries example of versatile and renewable culture is Sugarcane including Brazil. With the adoption of modern technologies, the production of Sugar has increased in the country of Brazil.

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